Attendee Toolbox
Giving Your Oral Presentation (Keynote and Invited)
What are the dates of the Annual Meeting?
The meeting starts on Sunday, Tuesday May 6, and ends on Thursday May 8, 2025. Registration opens Tuesday morning. You should plan to attend the entire meeting.
Can I choose between oral or poster presentation?
By default, all submitted contribution are accepted as poster presentation. Only keynote and invited presentation are oral.
Does my presentation need to be in a certain format?
It is recommended, but not required, that you use the WIAC2025 PowerPoint template. Laptop computers and LCD projectors will be available in each session room for PowerPoint presentations. Please bring a USB drive to upload your presentation to the laptop computer in your session room. Because laptops will be provided, computer switching docks will not be available for this meeting. If presenters prefer to use their own laptops or devices for their presentations, they should bring any needed adapters to ensure they can use the HDMI-connected projector in the room.
What are the time constraints for presentations?
In general, contributed presentations should last about 20 minutes. Please do not extend your presentation beyond your assigned time as a courtesy to all presenters. If you need a question and answer period, this consideration must be incorporated in your assigned speaking time.
Do you offer a speaker-ready room?
We do not have a speaker-ready room, but there will be an opportunity to practice your presentation in your assigned room before the session begins.
Since I am a presenter, do I have to pay to attend?
Yes. Registration rates and additional information will be posted to the website.
Giving Your Poster Presentation
Do I need to use a poster template?
No, but each poster presenter may use up to a 120 cm x 120 cm space. Any visual aids which might clarify the results of your own work are encouraged. These can include diagrams, charts, figures, illustrations, etc. Do not, however, post your paper text. Graphics should be simple, colorful, well labeled, and clear. The title should be written in letters 2 to 5 cm high, and all material should be readable from a distance of 2 m.
Since I am a poster presenter, do I have to pay to attend?
Yes. Registration rates are available here.